Battal Transport and Logistics (BTL) provides global freight forwarding services in full or partial loads tailored to ensure the fastest delivery of air, ocean and land shipments. Battal Logistics offers flexible transportation solutions in all modes depending on the needs of clients with its contracted supplier infrastructure.
The success of the global supply chain depends upon goods and services arriving at a given destination rapidly and efficiently. In the regions where we operate, transport from point A to point B isn’t always a straight line. Often, a single delivery from A to B can involve trucks, rail wagons, vessels and aircrafts. Border activity and climate factors can cause frequent or sudden changes to established delivery routes.
Our experienced professionals effectively manage sub-contractors, and provide risk mitigation and security services, freeing clients from the added cost and responsibility of managing unpredictable factors themselves. Our comprehensive service portfolio includes multi-modal transportation, sea, air and land transportation, cross-docking operations, customs clearance, fleet management and cargo insurance.
We manage all complex transportation challenges with confidence. We develop highly process-driven but flexible scheduling and dispatch processes to support our customers logistics operations. We have the operational, safety and maintenance systems in place to make sure this is achieved safely and efficiently.
Heavy-Lift & Project Cargo
Battal Transport and Logistics (BTL) is a worldwide provider of multimodal transport solutions. We are experts within the heavylift and project cargo segment, and handle complicated tasks no matter the scope and size.
Our project cargo department handles all kinds of heavy cargo and industrial products such as large pipes, construction machinery and equipment, camp containers, generators, turbines, reactors, boilers, elevators, cranes, heaters, presses, locomotives and wagons, commercial and defense vehicles, asphalt and concrete plants.
Battal Logistics provides combined project transport services for large-volume cargo that cannot be containerized, break-bulk cargo or any similar project cargo. We offer our customers a seamles portfolio of support services from the initial planning and budgetary phase to the final delivery and facility start up.
Ro/Ro & Vehicle Transport
Battal Group offers solutions for Ro/Ro and vehicle transport mainly to and from Europe, Middle East, Central America and North America and to the rest of the world with fast, reliable and cost-effective sea transport service mentality.
In order to reach the final delivery point in the most effective way, Battal cooperates with RoRo ship-owners. Thanks to its strong relationships, it can reach competitive freight rates, create alternative loading dates and provide priority place confirmation.